

最近的一篇文章發現,大部分乳糖酶低的人,飲用牛奶可產生大量氫,其水平比飲用同樣體積的氫水更高,作者認為,根據目前的研究,喝牛奶對人體有利的原因可能與氫產生有關.當然作者也提出,能使人體產生氫的食物非常多,例如乳果糖\很多中藥成分. 從這個文章,我們可以參考這個方法進行很多研究,研究那些物質產氫比較多,那些適合什麼樣的人群.這個問題非常值得氫分子醫學進行深入探討.


Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercial 


Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercia
Hydrogen Water and Milk 
Akito Shimouchi1, Kazutoshi Nose1, Makoto Yamaguchi2, Hiroshi Ishiguro2 
and Takaharu Kondo2 
1Department of Etiology and Pathogenesis, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Japan. 
2Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University, Japan. 
Objective: To compare how and to what extent ingestion of hydrogen water and milk increase breath hydrogen in adults. 
Methods: Five subjects without specifi c diseases, ingested distilled or hydrogen water and milk as a reference material that 
could increase breath hydrogen. Their end-alveolar breath hydrogen was measured. 
Results: Ingestion of hydrogen water rapidly increased breath hydrogen to the maximal level of approximately 40 ppm 
10–15 min after ingestion and thereafter rapidly decreased to the baseline level, whereas ingestion of the same amount of 
distilled water did not change breath hydrogen (p ? 0.001). Ingestion of hydrogen water increased both hydrogen peaks 
and the area under the curve (AUC) of breath hydrogen in a dose-dependent manner. Ingestion of milk showed a delayed 
and sustained increase of breath hydrogen in subjects with milk intolerance for up to 540 min. Ingestion of hydrogen water 
produced breath hydrogen at AUC levels of 2 to 9 ppm hour, whereas milk increased breath hydrogen to AUC levels of 
164 ppm hour for 540 min after drinking. 
Conclusion : Hydrogen water caused a rapid increase in breath hydrogen in a dose-dependent manner; however, the rise in 
breath hydrogen was not sustained compared with milk. 
Keywords: breath hydrogen, hydrogen water, milk, colonic fermentation 

Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercial 
Hydrogen Water and Milk 
Akito Shimouchi1, Kazutoshi Nose1, Makoto Yamaguchi2, Hiroshi Ishiguro2 
and Takaharu Kondo2 
1Department of Etiology and Pathogenesis, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute, Japan. 
2Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University, Japan. 
Objective: To compare how and to what extent ingestion of hydrogen water and milk increase breath hydrogen in adults. 
Methods: Five subjects without specifi c diseases, ingested distilled or hydrogen water and milk as a reference material that 
could increase breath hydrogen. Their end-alveolar breath hydrogen was measured. 
Results: Ingestion of hydrogen water rapidly increased breath hydrogen to the maximal level of approximately 40 ppm 
10–15 min after ingestion and thereafter rapidly decreased to the baseline level, whereas ingestion of the same amount of 
distilled water did not change breath hydrogen (p ? 0.001). Ingestion of hydrogen water increased both hydrogen peaks 
and the area under the curve (AUC) of breath hydrogen in a dose-dependent manner. Ingestion of milk showed a delayed 
and sustained increase of breath hydrogen in subjects with milk intolerance for up to 540 min. Ingestion of hydrogen water 
produced breath hydrogen at AUC levels of 2 to 9 ppm hour, whereas milk increased breath hydrogen to AUC levels of 
164 ppm hour for 540 min after drinking. 
Conclusion : Hydrogen water caused a rapid increase in breath hydrogen in a dose-dependent manner; however, the rise in 
breath hydrogen was not sustained compared with milk. 
Keywords: breath hydrogen, hydrogen water, milk, colonic fermentation


Breath Hydrogen Produced by Ingestion of Commercia








email: ddh2water@gmail.com



氫水,氫分子、氫氣、健康氫水,水素水,負電位,ORP,抗氧化,抗自由基,氫分子醫學,氫水,Hydrogen water,氫氣、氫,台灣氫水研究中心,氫思語,孫學軍,太田成男,鹼性離子水,小分子水,能量水,電解水,富氫水,負氫水,活水,健康,養生,活力,大氫鬆,小氫鬆,氫水機,水素,水素水機,王群光,氫氧機,綠加利,活美水素水,低氘水,活性原子氫,富氫水,負氫水,每日水素,活氫水,氫氧造水機,百樂,負氫,氫博士,氫水棒,氫源,新德美,HOH,鹼性活氫水,氫美機,負氫離子水,氫氣棒,呼吸氫氣,氫氧療法,加氫水,氫水、健康氫水、水素水、負電位、ORP、抗氧化、抗自由基 、氫分子醫學、氫水、Hydrogen water、氫氣、氫、氫水、台灣氫水實驗室、台灣氫水研究中心、氫思語、孫學軍、太田成男、鹼性離子水、小分子水、能量水、電解水、富氫水、負氫水、活水、健康、養生、活力、大氫鬆、小氫鬆、氫水機、水素、水素水機、王群光、氫氧機、綠加利、活美水素水、低氘水、活性原子氫、富氫水、負氫水、每日水素、活氫水、氫氧造水機、百樂、負氫、氫博士、氫水棒、氫源、新德美、HOH、鹼性活氫水、氫美機、負氫離子








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