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氫水,氫分子、氫氣、健康氫水,水素水,負電位,ORP,抗氧化,抗自由基,氫分子醫學,氫水,Hydrogen water,氫氣、氫,台灣氫水研究中心,氫思語,孫學軍,太田成男,鹼性離子水,小分子水,能量水,電解水,富氫水,負氫水,活水,健康,養生,活力,大氫鬆,小氫鬆,氫水機,水素,水素水機,王群光,氫氧機,綠加利,活美水素水,低氘水,活性原子氫,富氫水,負氫水,每日水素,活氫水,氫氧造水機,百樂,負氫,氫博士,氫水棒,氫源,新德美,HOH,鹼性活氫水,氫美機,負氫離子水,氫氣棒,呼吸氫氣,氫氧療法,加氫水,氫水、健康氫水、水素水、負電位、ORP、抗氧化、抗自由基 、氫分子醫學、氫水、Hydrogen water、氫氣、氫、氫水、台灣氫水實驗室、台灣氫水研究中心、氫思語、孫學軍、太田成男、鹼性離子水、小分子水、能量水、電解水、富氫水、負氫水、活水、健康、養生、活力、大氫鬆、小氫鬆、氫水機、水素、水素水機、王群光、氫氧機、綠加利、活美水素水、低氘水、活性原子氫、富氫水、負氫水、每日水素、活氫水、氫氧造水機、百樂、負氫、氫博士、氫水棒、氫源、新德美、HOH、鹼性活氫水、氫美機、負氫離子
Magn Reson Med Sci. 2011;10(3):169-76.
Protective Effect of Hydrogen-rich Water against Gentamicin-induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats using Blood Oxygenation Level-dependent MR Imaging.
Matsushita T, Kusakabe Y, Kitamura A, Okada S, Murase K.
Department of Medical Physics and Engineering, Division of Medical Technology and Science, Faculty of Health Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University.
Purpose: We assessed intrarenal oxygenation in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity (GIN) and the protective effect of hydrogen-rich water (HW) against GIN using blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Materials and Methods: We acquired T(2)*-weighted images (T(2)*WI) of 21 rats on Days 0, 2, 4, and 7 using a 1.5-tesla MR imaging system. The rats were divided into 3 groups of seven each: control rats had free access to standard water and no gentamicin (GM) injection; rats designated the GM group had free access to standard water and were injected with GM (80 mg/kg/day) subcutaneously for 7 days; and the third group, designated the GM+HW group, had free access to HW and were injected with GM. R(2)* (=1/T(2)*) was estimated from T(2)*WI. Results: R(2)* values in the cortex were significantly decreased on Days 2, 4, and 7 compared with those on Day 0 in the GM group but not significantly changed in the control and GM+HW groups. R(2)* values in the medulla did not change significantly in any group. Conclusions: Our findings suggested reduced oxygen utility, mainly in the cortex, in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity and an ameliorative effect of hydrogen-rich water against GIN.