低氘氫水實驗室 研究項目
- 極超高純氫氣研究—7N、8N維米製程氫氣
- 固態儲氫器研究、太空船用固態儲氫器研究
- 低氘飽和氫水製程研究及應用研究
- 低氘水用於生物實驗及製藥應用研究
- 氫氣呼吸之劑量及物理效應研究
- 低氘水用於育苗育種農業生技研究
- 氫氣用於食品科學研究
- 低氘水用於食品科學研究
- 呼吸氫氣及低氘飽和氫水之於癌症、中風、巴金森症、妥瑞症、糖尿病、心肌損傷、肝損傷、腦中風、放射治療損傷、老年癡呆、心肌硬塞、痛風、COPD、異位性皮膚炎、僵直性脊椎炎、過敏、紅斑性狼瘡及自體免疫性疾病之觀察研究
Retinal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury by transient elevation of intraocular pressure (IOP) is known to induce neuronal damage through the generation of reactive oxygen species. Previous studies indicate that molecular hydrogen (H2) is an efficient antioxidant gas that selectively reduces the hydroxyl radical (•OH) and suppresses oxidative stress-induced injury in several organs. This study was conducted to explore the neuroprotective effect of H2-loaded eye drops on retinal I/R injury.
Retinal ischemia was induced in rats by raising IOP for 60 minutes. H2-loaded eye drops were prepared by dissolving H2 gas into a saline to saturated level and administered to the ocular surface continuously during the ischemia and/or reperfusion periods. One day after I/R injury, apoptotic cells in the retina were quantified and oxidative stress was evaluated by markers such as 4-hydroxynonenal and 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine. Seven days after I/R injury, retinal damage was quantified by measuring the thickness of the retina. RESULTS.When H2-loaded eye drops were continuously administered, H2 concentration in the vitreous body immediately increased and I/R-induced •OH level decreased. The drops reduced the number of retinal apoptotic and oxidative stress marker-positive cells , and prevented retinal thinning with an accompanying activation of Müller glia, astrocytes, and microglia. The drops improved the recovery of retinal thickness by >70%. CONCLUSIONS. H2 has no known toxic effects on the human body. Thus, our study suggests that H2-loaded eye drops will be a highly useful neuroprotective and anti-oxidative therapeutic treatment for acute retinal I/R in
台灣氫水實驗室 TEL:0963-210-763
email: hworker77086600@yahoo.com.tw