低氘氫水實驗室 研究項目

  1. 極超高純氫氣研究—7N、8N維米製程氫氣
  2. 固態儲氫器研究、太空船用固態儲氫器研究
  3. 低氘飽和氫水製程研究及應用研究
  4. 低氘水用於生物實驗及製藥應用研究
  5. 氫氣呼吸之劑量及物理效應研究
  6. 低氘水用於育苗育種農業生技研究
  7. 氫氣用於食品科學研究
  8. 低氘水用於食品科學研究
  9. 呼吸氫氣及低氘飽和氫水之於癌症、中風、巴金森症、妥瑞症、糖尿病、心肌損傷、肝損傷、腦中風、放射治療損傷、老年癡呆、心肌硬塞、痛風、COPD、異位性皮膚炎、僵直性脊椎炎、過敏、紅斑性狼瘡及自體免疫性疾病之觀察研究


2007年日本學者證明呼吸氫具有抗氧化作用,可治療腦缺血後氧化損傷的報導以來,目前關於氫氣治療疾病的文章已經有 30多篇,國際上多家實驗室先後證明,氫氣能治療腦缺血、肝缺血、小腸缺血、小腸移植後炎症反應、新生兒腦缺血缺氧、動脈硬化、腸炎和人類糖尿病等重要疾病和損傷。這些研究,主要是根據氫氣可選擇性清除毒性自由基,但似乎不能完全解釋氫的廣泛而強大的治療作用。現在日本學者又報導了氫能通過調節信號分子抑制肥大細胞脫顆粒,能具有保護急性過敏反應,並證明氫氣是一種新的氣體信號分子,這是氫分子醫學領域具有里程碑意義的研究,將直接影響將來關於氫的生物學效應的研究方向。與 07年的文章一起,將對醫學生物學研究產生巨大的影響。





Molecular hydrogen suppresses FcεRI-mediated signal transduction and prevents degranulation of mast cells


Tomohiro Itoh, Yasunori Fujita, Mikako Ito, Akio Masuda, Kinji Ohno,

Masatoshi Ichihara, Toshio Kojima, Yoshinori Nozawa, Masafumi Ito


Abstract Molecular hydrogen ameliorates oxidative stress-associated diseases in animal models. We found that oral intake of hydrogen-rich water abolishes an immediate-type allergic reaction in mice. Using rat RBL-2H3 mast cells, we demonstrated that hydrogen attenuates phosphorylation of the FceRI -associated Lyn and its downstream signal transduction, which subsequently inhibits the NADPH oxidase activity and reduces the generation of hydrogen peroxide. We also found that inhibition of NADPH oxidase attenuates phosphorylation of Lyn in mast cells, indicating the presence of a feed-forward loop that potentiates the allergic responses. Hydrogen accordingly inhibits all tested signaling molecule(s) in the loop. Hydrogen effects have been solely ascribed to exclusive removal of hydroxyl radical. In the immediate-type allergic reaction, hydrogen exerts its beneficial effect not by its radical scavenging activity but by modulating a specific signaling pathway. Effects of hydrogen in other diseases are possibly mediated by modulation of yet unidentified signaling pathways. Our studies also suggest that hydrogen is a gaseous signaling molecule like nitric oxide.

Keywords : molecular hydrogen; immediate-type allergic reaction; mast cell; FceRI; signal transduction 












台灣氫水實驗室 TEL:0963-210-763
email: hworker77086600@yahoo.com.tw








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