低氘氫水實驗室 研究項目

  1. 極超高純氫氣研究—7N、8N維米製程氫氣
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  3. 低氘飽和氫水製程研究及應用研究
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  5. 氫氣呼吸之劑量及物理效應研究
  6. 低氘水用於育苗育種農業生技研究
  7. 氫氣用於食品科學研究
  8. 低氘水用於食品科學研究
  9. 呼吸氫氣及低氘飽和氫水之於癌症、中風、巴金森症、妥瑞症、糖尿病、心肌損傷、肝損傷、腦中風、放射治療損傷、老年癡呆、心肌硬塞、痛風、COPD、異位性皮膚炎、僵直性脊椎炎、過敏、紅斑性狼瘡及自體免疫性疾病之觀察研究




Hydrogen-rich pure water prevents superoxide formation in brain slices of vitamin C-depleted SMP30/GNL knockout mice
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Yasunori Sato 1, Shizuo Kajiyama 1, Akiko Amano , Yoshitaka Kondo , Toru Sasaki , Setsuko Handa , Ryoya Takahashi , Michiaki Fukui , Goji Hasegawa , Naoto Nakamura , Hikohito Fujinawa , Toyotaka Mori , Mitsuhiro Ohta , Hiroshi Obayashi , Naoki Maruyama and Akihito Ishigami b


Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toho University, Chiba 274-8510, Japan

Aging Regulation, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo 173-0015, Japan

Kajiyama Clinic, Kyoto 615-0035, Japan

Research Team for Molecular Biomarker, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, Tokyo 173-0015, Japan

Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto 602-8566, Japan

I’rom Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., Tokyo 141-0032, Japan

Department of Medical Biochemistry, Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe 658-8566, Japan

Institute of Bio-Response Informatics, Kyoto 612-8016, Japan


Received 31 July 2008.

Available online 14 August 2008.




Hydrogen is an established anti-oxidant that prevents acute oxidative stress. To clarify the mechanism of hydrogen’s effect in the brain, we administered hydrogen-rich pure water (H 2) to senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30)/gluconolactonase (GNL) knockout ( KO) mice, which cannot synthesize vitamin C (VC), also a well-known anti-oxidant. These KO mice were divided into three groups; recipients of H 2, VC, or pure water (H2O), administered for 33 days. VC levels in H 2and H 2O groups were <6% of those in the VC group. Subsequently, superoxide formation during hypoxia-reoxygenation treatment of brain slices from these groups was estimated by a real-time biography imaging system, which models living brain tissues , with Lucigenin used as chemiluminescence probe for superoxide. A significant 27.2% less superoxide formed in the H 2group subjected to ischemia–reperfusion than in the H 2O group. Thus hydrogen-rich pure water acts as an anti-oxidant in the brain slices and prevents superoxide formation.



Keywords: Ascorbic acid; Chemiluminescence; Gluconolactonase; Hydrogen-rich pure water; Oxidative stress; ROS; Senescence marker protein-30; Superoxide; Vitamin C



Abbreviations: EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; GNL, gluconolactonase; HPLC, high-performance liquid chromatography; KO, knockout; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SMP30, senescence marker protein-30; SOD, superoxide dismutase; VC, vitamin C


Article Outline


Materials and methods
Effect of hydrogen-rich pure water on body weight
Total vitamin C levels in the brain after ingestion of hydrogen-rich pure water
Superoxide formation during hypoxia-reoxygenation in a model of the living brain






email: ddh2water@gmail.com



氫水,氫分子、氫氣、健康氫水,水素水,負電位,ORP,抗氧化,抗自由基,氫分子醫學,氫水,Hydrogen water,氫氣、氫,台灣氫水研究中心,氫思語,孫學軍,太田成男,鹼性離子水,小分子水,能量水,電解水,富氫水,負氫水,活水,健康,養生,活力,大氫鬆,小氫鬆,氫水機,水素,水素水機,王群光,氫氧機,綠加利,活美水素水,低氘水,活性原子氫,富氫水,負氫水,每日水素,活氫水,氫氧造水機,百樂,負氫,氫博士,氫水棒,氫源,新德美,HOH,鹼性活氫水,氫美機,負氫離子水,氫氣棒,呼吸氫氣,氫氧療法,加氫水,氫水、健康氫水、水素水、負電位、ORP、抗氧化、抗自由基 、氫分子醫學、氫水、Hydrogen water、氫氣、氫、氫水、台灣氫水實驗室、台灣氫水研究中心、氫思語、孫學軍、太田成男、鹼性離子水、小分子水、能量水、電解水、富氫水、負氫水、活水、健康、養生、活力、大氫鬆、小氫鬆、氫水機、水素、水素水機、王群光、氫氧機、綠加利、活美水素水、低氘水、活性原子氫、富氫水、負氫水、每日水素、活氫水、氫氧造水機、百樂、負氫、氫博士、氫水棒、氫源、新德美、HOH、鹼性活氫水、氫美機、負氫離子


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